Coast Ropes is Proud to be the Canadian Distributor for the Sophroneo Rescue Co.
"SOPHRONEO (SO-FRO-NEH-OH) is a greek word (σωφρονέω) which pictures a mind that has been rescued, revived, and delivered from irrational fear, thoughts, and emotions and is now safe, SOUND and prepared to overcome no matter what obstacle comes a persons way...
The rocky mountains and the landscape surrounding us speaks to having a resilient mind, body, and soul. Our Southwest Colorado Family owned business seeks to inspire and equip you to pursue resiliency in every area of life through quality outdoor gear. Sophroneo Outfitter Co. was birthed out of this desire as our family of five was called to move from the fly over plains of Nebraska to the mountainous desert southwest of Colorado. We knew we would have to grow in endurance and expand our knowledge of the outdoors to equip us to take on the unfamiliar terrain we were now surrounded by.
Upon seeking knowledge and insight from a Marine Corps Infantry Sergeant, Police Officer, Firefighter/ Paramedic Specialist, Tactical Medic, and Disaster Response Specialist and encouragement and input from friends & family who are active in the outdoors, we took a step of faith and designed our first pack, and here we are...
SO whether you're a hiker, adventurist, or a professional who operates in the outdoors, our chest pack is a MUST HAVE tool to add to your gear collection to equip and prepare you for whatever mission set you've been called to in the great outdoors... For God has not given you a spirit of fear but of power, love, and SOPHRONEO.
3 products